Organizational mechanism of adaptive human capital management in the digital ecosystem of the organization

  • O.S. Golovanova

    Olga S. Golovanova. Vladivostok State UniversityСЋ. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Масюк Наталья Николаевна

    Natalya N. Masyuk. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


Abstract. Digitalization has a profound impact on management processes in organizations in various fields. Adaptive management of human capital in an organization allows organizations to create flexible human capital that can embrace change, experiment with new ideas, and change in response to changing business needs. This involves continually adjusting strategies, policies, and practices to effectively respond
to changing internal and external conditions while maximizing the potential of human capital. The authors share the position of those researchers who prove the legitimacy of considering an organization with adopted this digital transformation strategy as a digital ecosystem. It was convincingly proved that in the digital ecosystem, organizations can implement various organizational mechanisms to support manage-
ment decisions on human capital management. These mechanisms use technology, data analytics, and strategic approaches to improve decision-making processes. It was established that the system of adaptive human capital management can be considered as a subsystem of the organization’s digital ecosystem. The article presents the author's ecosystem-competency approach to adaptive human capital management, the goal of which is to develop flexible, sustainable, and well-equipped human capital to thrive in the digital era. The authors argue that it is important to align competencies with the demands of the digital environment, promote continuous learning and adaptation, and leverage the interconnectedness of an organization's digital ecosystem to drive innovation and success. In addition, the article articulates the author's concept of digital adaptability, in which adaptive organizations actively integrate digital solutions, improve business processes using data and automation, and offer increased flexibility in their operations and decision-making. Central to this discussion is the organizational mechanism proposed by the authors for adaptive management of human capital in the digital ecosystem of an organization, positioned as the main management tool to support decision-making process in the digital era.
Keywords: human capital, adaptive management, digital adaptability, digitalization, organizational mechanism, monitoring.